Our School

About Us

Brent Bear Values

The Principles that Guide Us


We believe enduring courage in the face of adversity creates students that are leaders in and out of the classroom.


We believe compassion and understanding are building blocks for engaged and passionate students.


We believe that students should be engaged and active participants in their own education.


We believe in instilling a sense of ownership in our students, giving them agency over their education.

We will serve our students through this set of operating principles inspired by our historic strategic plan, rooted in an analysis of our potential, and designed to guide our growth as a school community.

  1. We will seek and leverage understanding about individual students in order to advance their learning. ​
  2. ​We will employ instructional structures and strategies that emphasize depth of learning in pursuit of individual student goals.​
  3. We will enhance operational efficiency such that our physical space and systems are an enabling force for teaching and learning. ​
  4. We will apply intentional and consistent social-emotional learning to all aspects of the school day.​
  5. We will provide broad and inclusive opportunities for collective planning, transparent communication, and continued adult growth.

​These operating principles will act as our school goals, assigning our destination while allowing flexible and response routes for getting there.  We are and we are becoming.


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